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Labor Day Celebration

Ground was broken in December 1965 on what is now our GoodyearDanville plant. On March 10, 1966, construction started on the largest singleunit plant built to-date. This year marks 50 years that that plant has been here in the Danville community, providing quality tires and giving back in the local economy.
Mark your calendars and save the date for the Goodyear-Danville 50th Anniversary celebration on Monday, September 5, 2016. Bring your family out for a day of fun here at the plant. There will be free food, games, plant tours, activities for kids, and much more. Team members won’t want to miss it, so stay alert for more information related to the 50th year celebration and surprises that are on the way.

2015 Labor Day Pic 1

2015 Labor Day Horseshoes

2015 Labor Day Basketball

2015 Labor Day Pic 1
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